Friday, January 2, 2009

(Happy?) New Year

October 16, 2008
Okay all my friends (and anyone else who might read this) in Bloggerland. I’m serious about this getting healthy. Even as I acknowledge I’ don’t have a clue

January 2, 2009
What is a fact is not ‘bloggintoward60’ hasn’t slowed the process. It exactly 6 months and 3days away! So what has been going on in the last 2 months….
I’m working a day shift and think traditional meal times, eating a little slower.( I used to eat like a speed event) and I think I’m getting better nurturing myself with food rather than indulging myself. The holidays were a little stressful which translates I over ate marathon style.

I’m also beginning to look at what HEALTHY means to me and trying to bring that to a more realistic view.
Healthy weighs 130 lbs. (for me that’s circa 1970.)
Healthy runs a mile three times a week. (I guess I’m grateful I live in a third floor walk up)
Healthy spends 45mins in silence at the end of the day.
Healthy takes a Yoga class.
Healthy drinks 64 oz water a day.
Healthy asks for advice and actually listens to the answers.
These and other myths are taking a reality exam.

Well dear reader…. Feel free to comment ( complain or congratulate) on my ramblings. I’ve committed myself to writing more frequently the closer I get to my goal.: 60!!!!

PS: Just want to send a note of gratiude out to the ethers for Suzi's sharing a most remarkable journey.

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