Monday, June 22, 2009

It's a challange to BLOG when the world is spinning so fast

June 5,2009

Thirty day count down begins…..The blog is now more like a whirlwind., from 9 months to only days.

I’ve reached a dozen of the 60 celebrations., which only means that I’ll be celebrating long after day arrives. I’m adding I want to smile 60 x’s a day! to my celebrate 60 list. (and I’m adding living with a light heart to my definition of HEALTHY.)

Food has definetly become less of an issue as I’m truly learning what, when and how much to eat at a given time. The digital TV world will be full force next week and I have decided for the time being not to join. I have several new gizmos I have yet to master and I’m hopeful to get more reading done.

The grand kids continue to provide love, joy and amusement, which is soo what I want the second half of my life to be about.

June 22, 2009

The sun is now in Cancer. This is the astrological sign of my birth. Horror-o-scopes imply That with today’s new moon It’s a good day to put my wishes out there. So I wish for:
Peace to prevail on the planet;
A universal state of mind that eliminates greed from the human psyche;
That which sustains us ( God and the Planet) be honored above all else.

Wonder filled travel to all my friends and family
Whatever my children (and grandchildren) define as success and contentment.
The opportunity to make a difference
And a passing from this life that is conscious.


I’m planning my day of celebration as on the include a simulated sky dive, cocktails with friends (actually any one who care to join me w/ details to be defined later) and Good music. I want to wear a Tiara and I’m wondering if it will clash with my Birkenstocks? Yes my dear friends……60 is going to be……. I’ll let you fill in the blank…. My ideas are too confining.

I'll leave you with a combined quote from to scholars Ralph Waldo Emerson and Dana Carvey : " Simplify, Simplify Simply Party on Dude!"